“I feel so lucky to have found Dani as our dog trainer. We met her via zoom during the pandemic and I was amazed at how much we accomplished with virtual sessions. She not only helped me train my puppy (reducing destructive behaviors, decreasing anxiety, training him for walks and more) but she also taught me how to communicate with him which has proven to be helpful way beyond our training sessions. She was always calm, patient and kind. She provided us with great resources as well. Thank you, Dani for improving my relationship with Chip!”

Debra H.

“Dani is so patient and kind! her knowledge and easy instruction helped us immensely with our anxious and reactive dogs. our household couldn't be happier!”

Brenna M.

“Before, I would get anxious taking Sena out on walks and I would tense up when I saw other people walking towards us. Now, she will look at me and depending on how alert she looks, I create the distance she needs from the person. We haven’t had her bark on walks - even at night.”

Asaki W.

“Dani has been so helpful with our very reactive 6 year old German Shepherd. Her thoughtful lesson plans have helped us make big improvements.”

Sam G.

I worked with Dani for 2 months doing virtual training. Two of the main things that I needed help with were Chewy's reactivity to other dogs on walks, and his separation anxiety. I was initially worried that virtual training might not work for us, but it actually worked out better than expected. I can say that I have seen a huge improvement in both areas. I am now able to get him to focus on me if we come across another dog during our walks using a simple command more than 80% of the time. Before it was practically impossible. She had exercises laid out for us for each session and gave us exercises to practice at home in between sessions. The exercises were very useful and something that we are going to continue doing post training.“

Takia R.

Dani is our favourite trainer—and we’ve used quite a few! She has a calming, supportive, gracious energy that made me, as her client, feel like there are no mistakes when learning to train my pup, but rather every success and near-failure is just another opportunity to learn to better communicate with my pupper, Bridget.

When we first started with Dani, my pupper Bridget was about 6 months old and I was fairly successfully training Bridget on my own, using positive reinforcement techniques from some renowned trainers I follow on Instagram. But I had made some sort of mistake somewhere because Bridget was resource guarding when around other dogs! And I couldn’t find anything to address her specific guarding behavior.

Enter Dani, who explained what was going on, how it could be unlearned, and offered comprehensive techniques (and so much encouragement!).

Lizz P.