
  • Private Session

    Private sessions are one on one sessions attended by you and your dog. The focus is on helping both you and your dog acquire valuable training skills. All Private Sessions include personalized lesson plans, personalized digital training notes you can refer to between lessons to help you make the most of your sessions, and unlimited talk support between sessions. Private Sessions are usually held in your home.

    1 Hour ~ $85

  • Drop-In Day Training

    Day Trains are training sessions that you, the owner, do not need to attend.

    We will visit your dog or pick them up and work on your training goals. If you have a busy schedule, Day Trains are the perfect way to keep your dog’s skills sharp. Day Trains are best when given in conjunction with Private Sessions attended by the dog’s owner, so that training can be consistently maintained by the dog’s family. If you think Day Trains are right for you and your pup, let us know and we will happily discuss an arrangement with you.

    Pick-Up Day Trains: 1 Hour ~ $75

  • Pick-Up Walk & Train

    A Walk & Train combines training and exercise. It is a great option for your high-energy dog who requires both physical and mental stimulation, for those with busy schedules, and for those who would like to hire a walker who will help you maintain and advance your dog’s leash training. All breeds and sizes are welcome.

    Mini Walk & Train: 0.5 Hours ~ $35
    Full Walk & Train: 1 Hour ~ $55

  • Drop-Off Day Training at Schreiber Tails

    In partnership with Schreiber Tails, we are delighted to offer Drop-Off Day Training with loving, full-day care for your pup.

    After you drop your pup off at Schreiber Tails Doggy Day Care in Winston, they will alternate between being cared for by the experienced, attentive Day Care staff there, and attending training sessions in a spacious, fully equipped training room. When taking a break from focused training, dogs who enjoy social play can attend play groups with the other pups, and dogs who do not enjoy social time with other dogs can rest in a private crate and enjoy enrichment and puzzle toys, all under supervision of the Day Care staff at Schreiber Tails’ highly rated facility.

    Dogs attending Day Training at Schreiber Tails receive a minimum of 1.5 hours of individual focused training time per day. All Day Trains include a half-hour training walk service, so you know your pup will come back tired.

    Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays only, 9am to 4pm.

    Drop-Off Day Trains: Training & All-Day Care Without Social Play ~ $100
    Drop-Off Day Trains: Training & All-Day Care With Social Play ~ $115